Tuesday, August 9, 2011
tui ridge
Thursday, November 25, 2010
An example of some of the writing that we are doing in our class at school
Nancy Wake
Nancy Wake was born in Wellington NZ on 30th August 1912 to Charles Augustus and Ella Rosieur Wake. She was the youngest out of her six siblings. When Nancy Wake was 20 months old her parents moved to Sydney.
When Nancy was 16 she ran away from home to work as a nurse. Then her auntie from NZ sent her two hundred dollars (which back then was a lot of money) she then used that money to travel to London then Europe where she worked as a journalist. And then in 1939 she got married to millionaire Henry Fiocca.
In 1940 Nancy became a resistance fighter so to do this she had to be sneaky and sly and fool the Germans into believing she was just an ordinary citizen she had to use her womanliness to convince them there was nothing special about her. She had to be confident and courageous. She was flexible and could change her plans in an instants notice. She was helpful and did everything she could to help resistance members.
She managed to do and be all these things while living in constant dangerous situations knowing that at any time the Germans might find out about her, but all the time still having to go to Germans parties and still keep up the false act.
Nancy and the rest of the resistance fighters main goal was to really tick off the Germans they did this by blowing up their railway tracks and just killing as many Nazi soldiers as they could they also parachuted in troops and supplies and radios. And Nancy soon earned herself the nickname white mouse because of her ability to elude capture and not long after she became no one on the Gestapo’s most wanted list.
And soon the Germans became desperate to catch her and a couple of times ended up chasing her across the border but every time she managed to escape. One close call was when the Nazi chased her out of a train and she only just managed to get away.
Nancy Wake was a really brave person she risked hers and her husband’s life so that she could fight the Germans and help the resistance soldiers by either getting them supplies, fighting with them or helping the wounded in her makeshift ambulance. She sacrificed everything by helping the resistance fighters yet she still did it and she still enjoyed it.
In my opinion Nancy Wake is the bravest person I have heard of all those things she did took guts and I don’t know many people who could have done that like when she fled the trains and had Germans shooting at her back. But I also think she was kind of dumb to do what she did she could have died but she still did it so overall she was gutsy but dumb.
The ripple effect of what she did is that Germany got forced out of France and she saved a lot of lives including a lot of the Jewish race another ripple effect is that she got lots of medals and became famous.
She was always willing to try anything no matter what the risks were so just like the maeroa cornerstone she was a critical explorer. She was an optimist just like the maeroa cornerstone she was a positive citizen. Everyday she had to be organised so that made her an organized learner.
Nancy first decided to become part of the resistance when she found out what the Nazis were doing to the Jews she was disgusted by how they treated them so she became a resistance fighter and fought Hitler. Soon the war was over she became famous world wide and got lots of medals.